Neue wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen

Ende 2018 sind zwei wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen von Daniela Schlütz und Kolleg*innen erschienen, die sich mit Aspekten digitaler Medienkultur auseinandersetzen. Eine davon nähert sich dem Phänomen methodisch und eine zweite nimmt den Markt in den Blick.

Die Studie „Reporting mobile social media use“ geht detailliert auf die Schwierigkeiten ein, mobile soziale Mediennutzung zu messen und bietet mit der Mobile Experience Sampling Method eine methodische Alternative an. Der Beitrag „Big Data and Television Broadcasting“ setzt sich kritisch mit den Folgen der Digitalisierung für das Konzept des Fernsehpublikums auseinander.

Naab, Teresa K., Karnowski, Veronika & Schlütz, Daniela (2018, online first). Reporting mobile social media use: How survey and experience sampling measures differ. Communication Methods and Measures, 

Quantifying the ubiquitous, ephemeral, and highly diverse patterns of mobile social media (MSM) use is a challenge for communication research. Most researchers employ retrospective survey measurement, thus depending on the accuracy of users’ memories and generalizations. Alternatively, some researchers rely on in-situ measurement, being less dependent on users’ memories and generalizations, but requiring random situation samples. To assess differences and similarities between these two measurement approaches we analyzed whether characteristics (duration and frequency of a usage episode, habit, elaboration, and gratifications) of MSM use (regarding Facebook, WhatsApp, and YouTube) vary between retrospective survey and mobile experience sampling measurement. We observe a consistent pattern of higher estimates in retrospect as compared to individual averages of in-situ reports. The absolute magnitude of these differences varies considerably between platforms and characteristics studied. Nonetheless, for most constructs and platforms we find low significant positive correlations between retrospective and aggregated in-situ values.

Murschetz, Paul Clemens & Schlütz, Daniela (2018). Big data and television broadcasting: A critical reflection on big data’s surge to become a new techno-economic paradigm and its impacts on the concept of the «addressable audience». Fonseca, Journal of Communication, Salamanca, 17, 23-38. doi:10.14201/fjc2018172338 Available at  (open access)

The paper explores how big data creates challenges and opportunities to enhance value relationships be-tween TV broadcasters, audiences and advertisers in digital television broadcasting. It finds that research into big data requires much closer attention to critical issues in the social and cultural sciences – with a focus on media and communication studies and its subfield media management – to inspire our understanding that big data would perfectly fit the dominant «techno-economic paradigm», a meta-narrative for a substantial technological revolution that has the power to bring about a transformation across the board in ways that when new technologies diffuse, they multiply their impact across the economy and eventually modifies the socio-institutional structures. While asking how big data adds value to a broadcaster’s decision on corporate strategies in Big-Data driven TV is legitimate and important, we remain skeptical as to what effectively is to be gleaned from big data in broadcast TV This is because the socio-cultural dimensions are greatly unresolved. Notably, the corporate strategies of the «addressable audience» or audience com-modification, whereby audiences are effectively sold as mere datacommodities to broadcasters and advertisers, must be observed critically.